This holiday season, The War Horse Ink Family & Friends are giving back to the community through holiday gifts.
How it works:
- Families can send us their wish list using the form below:
- Generous community members can read the list, and donate a purchased, hand-me-down, or home-made gift intended for one of the children (unwrapped for safety). For each donation made, the giver will be entered into a raffle for a $500 gift card, and other prizes. Please drop off gifts during business hours at either the Kent, Ravenna, or Streetsboro location. You may provide your name or remain anonymous.
-Receiving Families will be notified when a gift comes in for them, so they can be prepared and don't double gift.
-War Horse Ink reserves the right to choose which gifts go to which families, and will be wrapping and addressing them, before the pickup/delivery date (TBD).
EXAMPLE "Nice List"
Family #1: Need level Medium
10 year old girl
Wants: Winter clothes (size?), Art supplies,
Doesn't want: Books, jewelry
15 year old boy
Wants: Camping / outdoor gear, polaroid camera,
Doesn't want: Clothes,
Family #2: Need Level High
3 year old boy
Wants: clothes (Size 3T), gift card to grocery store
Doesn't want: toys
Family #3: Need Level Low
13 year old boy
Wants: Comic books
Doesn't Want: Batman comic books
Actual "Nice List" Below the form.
How it works:
- Families can send us their wish list using the form below:
- Generous community members can read the list, and donate a purchased, hand-me-down, or home-made gift intended for one of the children (unwrapped for safety). For each donation made, the giver will be entered into a raffle for a $500 gift card, and other prizes. Please drop off gifts during business hours at either the Kent, Ravenna, or Streetsboro location. You may provide your name or remain anonymous.
-Receiving Families will be notified when a gift comes in for them, so they can be prepared and don't double gift.
-War Horse Ink reserves the right to choose which gifts go to which families, and will be wrapping and addressing them, before the pickup/delivery date (TBD).
EXAMPLE "Nice List"
Family #1: Need level Medium
10 year old girl
Wants: Winter clothes (size?), Art supplies,
Doesn't want: Books, jewelry
15 year old boy
Wants: Camping / outdoor gear, polaroid camera,
Doesn't want: Clothes,
Family #2: Need Level High
3 year old boy
Wants: clothes (Size 3T), gift card to grocery store
Doesn't want: toys
Family #3: Need Level Low
13 year old boy
Wants: Comic books
Doesn't Want: Batman comic books
Actual "Nice List" Below the form.
Actual "Nice List"